Saturday, March 7, 2009

And then there was three....

I'm always so interested in watching the way Isabel interacts with adults because she is so shy. Most adults she runs from, but there are a few, for some reason that she is just drawn to. My friend Erin Rautmann and her boyfriend (of like 15yrs~get married already!haha! J/K) Bryan are two people Isabel has always felt comfortable around. This is very interesting because she doesn't see them very often, like maybe twice a year! It first became clear how much she liked them in the summer of '07 when we stayed at their place for a week. Right away Isabel played with them, let Erin give her baths, and was even affectionate with them (that usually takes Isabel a bit of time). The next time Isabel saw them was a year later when we shared a hotel room with them in Duluth for Emily and Adam's wedding. Again right away she talked to them, played with them, and really just enjoyed them. She even talked about Erin and Bryan for a few days afterwards and still remembers that Erin bought her a princess necklace.

So on our most recent visit to the cities (Disney on Ice/MOA) we again stayed at Erin and Bryan's place. And again Isabel was completely comfortable with Erin and Bryan. She loved showing off her attitude/rockstar poses and dance moves for them. When they took her on rides at the MOA I was alittle worried that she might be scared without me around...nope she didn't care at all that I wasn't there. Her and Bryan talked and played together the whole time. Erin said Isabel was much more talkative with Bryan then with her...hmmm!

The last night at Erin and Bryan's place Isabel had them read books to her in their bed while I tried to fall asleep. Tried is the key word there.....I couldn't sleep at all because Erin, Bryan, and Isabel were soo loud;-) Those 3 were laughing and being silly past 11pm! It was very cute listening to how much fun they were having with each other. Erin and Bryan are great people and I love that Isabel realizes that and loves them as much as I do. Thank you Erin and Bryan for loving Isabel so much and for taking such good care of her:-)