Saturday, March 7, 2009

Surprise......American Girl Doll!!!

So like I explained earlier, Jason was not able to join us for the Disney on Ice show or Mall of America adventure. We were all sad, but most of all Jason because he really wanted to spend some time with Jocie. Jason decided since he couldn't be with Jocie he really wanted to do something super special for her.....and whats more special than an American Girl doll!

So I told Jocie that morning that her daddy Jason had a special surprise for her, but she'd have to wait to later to find out what it was. Finally after a full day at the Mall of America it was time to reveal her surprise. I called Jason so he could tell Jocie over the phone about her surprise. Jocie's face was classic....her eyes got big and mouth dropped open and she said, "really?? I get one??"! It was so awesome seeing how excited she was.

As Jocie and I headed to the American Girl store, Erin and Bryan took Isabel so that Jocie and I could take our time and look around and truly enjoy the store (Isabel was extremely tired...I was trying to avoid a breakdown in the store).

As we were about to walk in, I found out that this was Jocie's first time in the store! Wow..this was really going to be great time! As we walked around the store Jocie told me alittle about each doll and showed me the ones she already had. These American Girl dolls are beautiful. They have the neatest clothes and accessories....this is definetely a store that any young girl could fall in love with. There was even a station where the dolls could get their hair done! And there was a 2nd floor where they have a Bistro for the dolls and the girls~very cool.

Watching Jocie look at all the new girls was so fun. She kept saying, "oh I just don't know which one I want". She would pick up one doll and spend a few minutes looking at it then put it down and pick up another. They are all so beautiful, its no wonder this was going to be a tough decision for her. Finally the decision was down to 2 dolls. After looking them over for a few minutes she picked Julie. Julie was perfect. Julie has long blonde hair and was dressed in jeans and a collared shirt and vest. She also comes with a purple knit hat, necklace, and purse. Very trendy!

From the time we walked into the store to the time we left Jocie kept saying over and over again "thank you so much". It was so wonderful seeing how thankful she was for her special doll. And it felt so great doing something so special for Jocie because she is truly the greatest girl I've ever known. I can honestly say I have never meet someone like her. She is truly a special girl....with a big heart. And Jocie is also so kind, loving, nice, beautiful, and sooo Smart! I feel so blessed to have her in my life. Whenever we spend time with her she completely feels my heart with joy.

As we left the store, it was alittle bitter sweet because I wish Jason could have been there to see Jocie's excitment. He would have loved every moment of it. Also this was the first time that it just Jocie, Isabel, and me. Not having Jason with us was very different. I could definetely feel that he was missed. When us 4 spend time together it just feels without him there we were a man short! But us girls pulled through and survived, and managed to still have some fun:-)


jstromli said...

Her face on the phone is awesome. I know sad that Daddy Jason couldn't be there...but neat that you two also have a special experience/moment all you own!