Saturday, March 7, 2009

Disney on Ice!!

Finally, the long wait was was time for Disney on Ice!! A few days before the show, we had some upsetting news that Jason was having a quiz in his stats class, which just happened to be the same day as the show!! Oh no! We were all heartbroken, but after a few phone calls and arrangements, Isabel, Jocie, and I were still going and Erin (my best buddy from the cities) was going to take Jason's place.

The morning of the show we had to get up extra early since we had to drive an hour north to pick Jocie up from school and then drive an hour back into the cities for the show. I was alittle worried that we might be late, but surprisingly enough, we weren't! We actually arrived at the Target Center an hour early. Which allowed time to dress Isabel in the car (we left so early in the morning, she was still sleeping), get food, light up toys, and find our seats with only 10 minutes till the show started.

The Disney on Ice was awesome!!! It started out with a broken down Zambonie....which lead to Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and the Chipmunks entrance. Then out came Aladdin and the Genie. During their dance/song out came about 30 more genies...very cool. Their act finished with Aladdin and Gene doing a front flip side by side! We were all impressed. Then it was on to the Beauty and the Beast skit. Belle was soo beautiful. The beast was very realistic and we even saw Chip and Mrs.Potts. When their skit ended out came each Disney princess along with their prince. They each skated to a minute clip of their theme song. I was in heaven. We have become obsessed with the Disney Princesses. So to see them (yes, I realize they are only actors) in person, in costume, was soo wonderful. I could of sat and watch them all day. I'd love to say that Jocie and Isabel were enjoying this part as much as me, but to be honest, I wasn't paying any attention to them! I was completely in my own little world, like a child with big wide eyes, jaw to the ground! :-) After the princesses, we saw the Lion King, Pinocchio (which has become Isabels new interest), The Incredibles, Its a small world, Nemo, and Mulan. When the Mulan skit started, Ialmost jumped out of my seat. Mulan has become our newest obsession. We've been watching the Mulan movie over and over again for the last 2 weeks. Isabel and I are in LOVE with Mulan. And of course there was no way for the Disney on Ice show producers to know how much we are obsessed with Mulan (obviously), but I'm convinced that it "was meant to be" that they would pick to perform a Mulan skit, which happened to be the longest skit they performed! As Mulan skated around, she was so beautiful and graceful. I was fighting tears the whole time!! And yes I realize how dorky that is, but I just couldn't help it. After the show Jocie was so confused why I would want to cry if I liked it, (I think her exact words were "oh, thats weird")! Haha....she is absolutley right! Oh well, I couln't help it. Mulan has become such a special princess/story to us!

The Disney on Ice show was so much fun! From beginning to end we were all on the edge of our seats. The skaters were amazing! We all commented on how good they were. I don't think any of us imagined that they would be that good. The skaters were able to do all kinds of lifts, jumps, spins....they were very talented. It was a perfect start to our adventure day!!

After the ice show we headed to the Mall of America for some more fun. Right away we got started on the rides. First up was the bumper cars. Isabel and I rode together while Jocie and Bryan rode in their own car. We all had a blast bumping into each other. Then it was time for Erin and Bryan take Isabel on the "baby" rides....or at least they tried to! Apparently they didn't get too far, as Isabel was obsessed with the Wonder Pets ride and rode it over and over again! While Jocie and I took off to the "scary" rides! First we went on the rollercoaster. But it wasn't just any normal rollercoaster, it was a rollercoaster that had 4 seats in each car. And while you went up and down and sideways you were also spinning in a circle at the same time! This might sound fun and exciting to some people, but to me....not soo much. Jocie had a blast on the ride. She would lift her arms up high as we went down and laughed and yelled the whole time. I on the otherhand was not doing too hot! I was so scared that my legs were literally shaking. My palms were sweating and I was holding back tears! I was completely terrified. Next we were off to another ride that left me sick to my stomach and shaking like a baby. This ride has you sitting down while it lifts you up so your feet dangle in the air and then it quickly drops you and then stops right before you feel like you're going to crash through the floor. This ride makes your stomach go up and then drops it so deep inside you~which happens to be Jocie's favorite part of the ride~and my worse favorite! Poor Jocie had to put up with me screaming on all the rides, squeezing her hands, and practically begging for each ride to end! Thankfully she was a good sport about it:-)

After the rides we had a quick bite to eat the we were off to Build-a-Bear. The girls had so much fun picking their animal, stuffing it, washing it, and picking out clothes. We've never been to build-a-bear, but thank goodness that Jocie has. She was able to lead the way and show Isabel what to do. It was so cute watching Isabel concentrate on what Jocie did and then mimic it. The best part was when the did the "heart ceremony". Soo cute. When we were all done Jocie had made a cute dog and picked out a blue shirt with a tie for her dog and Isabel made a bear and dressed her in a princess shirt and cute denim skirt. Build-a-bear was such a blast. If you've never been there I'd highly recommend trying it.....its such a fun hands on time for the kids!

By the end of our Mall of America adventure, we were all exhausted. We were all relieved when we finally found the car (it took us awhile, Erin and I got alittle confused which floor we parked on, while Jocie kept telling us its the 3rd floor....we should of listened to Jocie~she was right). As pulled out of the parking ramp Isabel asked for some cereal to eat and by the time we got on the freeway (about 2 min.) she was out! It was hilarious. We all were laughing because one minute she was eating her cereal, singing her Rockstar song and the next she was asleep with a piece of cereal hanging out of her mouth! What a perfect ending to a perfect day:-)