Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dumb and Dumber???

Here's a funny story I thought I'd share. You'll either totally laugh at us or you'll just think we're idiots....whichever one is just fine!!! Hope you enjoy it:-)

The other night Jason and I were hanging out channel surfing. It was 11pm, nothing on TV, expect Golden Girls re-runs (and you can only watch so many of those) so Jason decided to listen to some of his new songs on his MP3 player. I was alittle irritated at first because he was sitting right next to me on the couch which meant I could also hear the music. I was trying to block out the music, but finally decided to give in and enjoy it. I turned the TV on mute and asked Jason for a headphone. Jason was sitting on my left side, so he, without thinking just gave me the earphone that was closest to me, the headphone on his right side. So there we were, sitting on the couch together, each holding a headphone to our ear as we jammed out to some tunes. Jason's music selection is very interesting....we'd be listening to Ozzy Osbourne and then Garth Brooks!! We were having so much fun laughing at each other's bouncing heads and shoulder shrugs, but we were also getting frustrated because we were having so much trouble with the headphones. I had to keep my head very close to Jason's so the headphone would stay in my ear. And on top of that the earphone cord was being dragged across Jason's face. And it didn't help that I would get so excited about a song and start dancing super crazy, which meant I would accidently jerk the headphone out of Jason's ear. Finally, after over an hour, Jason said, "hey wait, give me your headphone". I was completely confused. Jason grabbed the headphones and gave me the left ear headphone and gave himself them right ear headphone!! Genius!! Remember I said that when I asked Jason for a headphone, he grabbed the headphone from his right ear and handed it to me, because that was the closet headphone to me. So for over and hour Jason and I were having a heck of a time dealing with these headphones, when all we needed to do was switch headphone pieces! We laughed so hard over our complete mind-slip. It was such a classic moment, Jason shook his head and said, "wow, dumb and dumber??" Yeah, I think so!!! Haha:-)