Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree....

The Christmas season is finally here. I have been waiting for this Christmas season for months. Mostly because everything is so much more exciting for Isabel now that she's alittle older. I couldn't wait to get the Christmas tree up, but I wanted to wait at least until after Thanksgiving dinner. So by 7pm on Thanksgiving night we had pulled out all of our Christmas decorations and the decorating began. Isabel helped put up the ornaments and she even got to put on the star this exciting. While Isabel and I decorated inside the apartment, Jason was left to put up lights on the deck (brrrr...). Within an hour the tree was done (and its the girly-est tree in town), stockings had been hung, and the poinsettas were out . Our little apartment had transformed into a Christmas wonderland.

Isabel was so excited helping with the decorating. And she was so curious about everthing. "Why we have those socks mom?" She kept asking about the stockings. "Why we put stuff on that tree?" and "Why you put that santa picture on the floor?" Isabel didn't quite get the whole santa floor mat. It was so funny. She was very worried for santa when I walked on it.

It was all so much fun. At one point, Jason mentioned that it should be Christmas time more often because he hasn't seen me so excited about decorating and I was in such a good mood (like I'm ever not in a good mood..yea right;-). I couldn't help it. Isabel is at such an exciting age that everything is so much more fun. We've even started watching Christmas movies...we watch one every nite after dinner. And listening to Isabel talk about santa and his reindeer and baby Jesus's birthday..soooo cute!!! And somehow, I really don't know how, Isabel has learned all the popular Christmas songs!!!Happy Holidays!