Thursday, April 9, 2009


We recently registered Isabel for preschool next year at Sacred Heart School! She will be attending preschool tuesday and thursday afternoons for 3 hrs each day and will be in the Little Angel group.

We, including Isabel, are very excited. When we started the process of looking for a preschool, I had 3 in mind. Sacred Heart was the 2nd one that I toured...and within a few minutes, I just knew this is the one for us! The elementary principle of the school is Mr.Andres, and he is wonderful. From what I've seen and heard, he is a very kind man that truly loves his school and students. Mrs.Hammond will be Isabel's preschool teacher. I can also say that from the little time that I have spent with her, she seems like a loving and patient teacher.

Isabel had a chance to meet the principle and teacher and enjoyed both of them. Isabel happily held Mr.Andres hand as we walked to the preschool room! And once in the room, Isabel walked with Mrs.Hammond to take a look at the fish and then told me, "Mom, you go....I'll stay and play"! What? I was completely stunned!

So now every time we drive by the school (which is often since its right by my mom's house), Isabel waves and says "hi school"!! Soo cute! Lets hope her excitement about the school carries on through summer and into the fall!